Welcome to SPDNS Homecare
SPDNS Homecare provides care for people in their own homes and supports families in their caring role. We are proud to have celebrated our 45th Anniversary in May 2024. Our staff are caring, knowledgeable and well trained, supported by experienced Managers. We also work in partnership with St Luke’s Hospice to provide community Hospice services. As a Community Interest Company our purpose is to support people in our community and employ staff living locally, any profit is invested in the business.
Following our last inspection by the Care Quality Commission our Adult Social Care service was rated GOOD with no areas requiring improvement.
Our Hospice at Home service was rated GOOD by CQC in January 2023.
What would you say to someone considering a role in care?
Comments from our latest CQC reports
Summary from the Care Quality Commission Inspection Report January 2020
People's experience of using this service and what we found
The service had strong vision and values which placed the importance on people being fully involved in all aspects of care, where independence was promoted.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
People told us staff were outstandingly caring, proactively identifying unmet needs and supporting these to be met in creative ways. They told us staff often going the extra mile to support them.
People who lacked capacity to make decisions had undergone appropriate assessments involving loved ones and other nominated people such as power of attorney for health and welfare.
Hospice at Home
People received exceptionally good palliative and end of life care and practical support, advice and emotional care from a dedicated staff team who were well trained and placed people and their families at the heart of the service. This support was also extended to people's families.
People and relatives were extremely complimentary about the service. People and relatives thought of their carers as being like family members and told us they were highly compassionate and caring and treated them with the utmost respect.
Staff were highly motivated, felt valued and enjoyed working at the service. They were passionate about providing outstanding person-centred care to people when they needed it.
A holistic approach was taken to assessing, planning and delivering care and support. People were fully involved in how their care was to be provided.